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Trends and Challenges

Enterprise Cloud Computing Trends

More enterprises are positively considering the adoption of cloud computing. The currently provided services are mainly for consumers or front-office type jobs, but there are also high expectations for applications in the mission critical systems of enterprises. However, it is also a fact that many enterprises are still to be convinced that cloud computing is really useful and is a persuasive option from the viewpoint of management.

We NEC were one of the first enterprises to implement the use of cloud computing in our own management system reform, and our experience and understanding of the fundamental nature of cloud computing issues are enhancing our ability to offer services and solutions to the customers. We will introduce the overall picture of our solutions for the use of cloud computing for enterprises.

It is critical in the use of cloud computing to comprehensively consider the features to be adopted, the items to be used as external services and how to achieve cost reductions, increased speed and flexibility improvements based on a full understanding of all the characteristics of the cloud (standardization).

NEC will continue to offer solutions for supporting the entire lifecycle management of the system via business process reform, innovation of IT departments, smooth transition from the existing environment to the cloud environment and step-by-step cloud implementation of mission critical systems based on the concept of "Cloud-oriented service."

Challenges: Making the Best of Cloud Computing Advantages

A significant difference is found when we compare the cloud service to the conventional outsourcing method. With conventional outsourcing, the operations of the systems elaborated by user were consigned to data centers and the main purpose of this was to reduce the total system cost. On the other hand, the cloud services use previously prepared standard IT so they are able to present new benefits, such as speedy introduction, improved flexibility in addition to cost reduction.

For enterprise users, the implementation of the cloud system itself is not the main objective; the important point for them is to benefit from the advantages of cloud computing by applying its features in their systems. At NEC, we adopted the term "Cloud-oriented Services" aiming at supporting enterprises in introducing "IT, without owing it" by "providing enterprise systems as a service making use of cloud computing features"

Challenges: Making the Best of Cloud Computing Advantages
