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More enterprises are positively considering the adoption of cloud computing. The currently provided services are mainly for consumers or front-office type jobs, but there are also high expectations for applications in the mission critical systems of enterprises. However, it is also a fact that many enterprises are still to be convinced that cloud computing is really useful and is a persuasive option from the viewpoint of management.
The current needs of enterprises include the coexistence of lean management under rapidly-changing and severe economic environments and the quick new business start up. Therefore, enterprise systems should be cost-saving, speedy and flexible. NEC has configured "Cloud-oriented Service Platform Solutions" by adding cloud computing features to the achievements that have been developed via our SI and outsourcing businesses. We are thus able to offer services for supporting the reform of enterprise management systems.
In looking at enterprise cloud services from the perspective of applications, there are the front-office, mission critical task and the back office activities as well as supporting the domains for starting new business fields. At NEC, we have begun to provide services for all of these areas under the name of "Cloud-oriented Service Platform Solutions." The following technologies support "Cloud-oriented Services": - System Building Technology, - IT/Network Common Platform, and - Cloud-Oriented Data Center.